Blockchain as a Communication Channel
When McLuhan wrote the lines “Medium is the message”, almost all of the communication mediums (newspaper, radio) were unidirectional. Messages were pushed out and listened to by the intended audiences. Measuring the quality and quantity of the reach was mostly
Blockchain Communication Channel | Ethereum | Distributed Ledger DLT
When McLuhan wrote the lines “Medium is the message”, almost all of the communication mediums (newspaper, radio) were unidirectional. Messages were pushed out and listened to by the intended audiences. Measuring the quality and quantity of the reach was mostly
Advertising, why digital advertising has become unavoidable?
Advertising is a paid of promotion, the ad content is delivered through a publisher and aims to persuade people to respond in a particular way, such as an enquiry on offers, pricing and subsequently or the purchase itself. Primary Advertisement Types: Informative
Blockchain, a communication channel
When McLuhan wrote the lines “Medium is the message”, almost all of the communication mediums (newspaper, radio) were unidirectional. Messages were pushed out and listened to by the intended audiences. Measuring the quality and quantity of the reach was mostly