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Every Winery Needs A YouTube Channel

If you’re a Winery and you don’t have a YouTube channel you need to start one.  Here’s Why: 


Video attracts attention and is processed by your brain 60,000 times faster than text. 

Overall 65% of people are visual learners, a one minute video equals around 1.8 million words.  Video is a simple and effective way for people to absorb large amounts of content quickly.  


YouTube is the number one search on Google:


Reasons to Start a YouTube Channel 

Videos Are Easy To Create:  Today’s technology makes it simple to create and publish videos.  It can be as simple as using a cell phone or taking video and editing it with an online tool and post to YouTube.   

Creates A Personal Connection: 

Video creates a level of familiarity with your brand, products, and reputation.  Watching a video builds trust and engagement.  The more personal and spontaneous the video the better.  

A Source Of Income: 

You own the content and viewers on your YouTube Channel mean revenue.  Leverage the content you have and regularly post new content.  As a YouTube influencer, your channel will be paid by promoters and advertisers.  


Video Is Essential For Your Winery: 

Video has been around for a long time and it is no longer an option to a marketing program, it’s essential.  Customers wanting to get to know you and your products expect it.  It’s the best way to see you without talking with you in-person. 

It’s Builds Your Contact List:

Encouraging viewers to subscribe, turn on notifications and leave feedback.  It gives you a way to connect with and viewers while building your contact list.  

Keep It Fun and Engaging:   

Many Youtubers start contests to keep viewers engaged and coming back.  Contests get a lot of attention.  The easiest contest is to give something away.  There are tools available that support YouTube giveaways.  Go to YouTube and watch some to the hundreds of the how-to videos and pick a giveaway strategy that works for you. 

Make it Your 2020 Goal: 

If you don’t already have one getting started on YouTube can be scary. However, the benefits of being on YouTube outweigh the downfalls.  Video content can reinforce your branding efforts and show off your business expertise and is a great way to entertain, educate, and connect with people.

About the Author:

Steve Knaebel,

President, Redtie International.